Saturday, May 16, 2009

Manchester United vs Arsenal (0-0) EPL, Manchester won three EPL title in a row

  • You sit here, you are the last four in Europe, and every day, you feel you have killed someone. If you do not have take a distance with it, you think what kind of world do you live in? - Arsene Wenger
  • We lost against United who have 10 times more resources, they are the best in the world. In sport, you have to accept that. It is like they are ashamed to be fair - Arsene Wenger
  • There is no shame to say, 'You are the best'. You were the last four with a very young team - that is the reality - Arsene Wenger
  • I believe this club is in fantastic situation, you look at the financial situation of the club, you look at the quality of the scuad, I'm pretty envious of this club if I'm outside of the club - Arsene Wenger


saiful said...

i realise ever since i moved to cyberjaya you been posting your blog more often

master said...

Is it a good thing or bad thing?

It doesn't matter anyway. My blog will not change the world. Writing just make you feel like you did something good.

Hope you doing good. Don't forget to pay a table when you become rich.